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The Queen v. B.(C.) 2016

The Queen v. B.(C.) 2016 The police received an informant tip that a certain vehicle was involved in drug trafficking. After observing three suspicious interactions, the police arrested the driver. No drugs were found in the vehicle, but hours later at the police...

The Queen v. S.(J.) 2016

The Queen v. S.(J.) 2016 Client was charged with forcible entry, uttering threats, and possession of weapon for a purpose dangerous to the public peace after an altercation that was observed by a number of people who were attending church got out of hand. A bat was...

The Queen v. F.(M.) 2016

The Queen v. F.(M.) 2016 Client was charged with possession of an interesting substance known as “MDA” which apparently is somewhat different than “MDMA” or what is commonly referred to as Ecstasy. The client had been pulled over by police for...

The Queen v. F.(E.) 2016

The Queen v. F.(E.) 2016 Client was pulled over for speeding and in the process of speaking to him the police officer smelled alcohol. One thing led to another and the client blew a Fail into a roadside breathalyzer device. He was arrested and taken back to the...

The Queen v. F.(S.) 2016

The Queen v. F.(S.) 2016 Client was the driver of a vehicle that was under police surveillance. The police observed six transactions they thought were consistent with drug trafficking take place at the passenger side window. of the vehicle The police arrested the...

The Queen v. F.(M.) 2016

The Queen v. F.(M.) 2016 Client was driving home and decided to pass the vehicle in front of her.  Before passing she saw lights in the distance but considered that they were very far away and that it was safe to make the pass.  Halfway through the pass she realized...